Tax and court proceedings

Tax and court proceedings

We help our clients in the field of tax and fiscal inspections and proceedings, as well as processes before the Provincial Administrative Courts (WSA) and the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) in the area of ​​transfer pricing.

Our overriding principle in the provision of procedural services is to ensure full protection of the interests of our clients, starting from initial analyzes in terms of benefits and risks and possible applicable process strategies, to the consistent implementation of the adopted assumptions in the course of the ongoing proceedings.

Range of services

Our experts provide support to clients, among others range:

  • transfer pricing risk assessment in the administrative and judicial process,
  • preparation of the necessary procedural documentation (does not include the preparation of tax documentation and comparability analyzes),
  • representation before a civil court, if it is necessary to resolve an issue affecting the issue of transfer pricing (e.g. examination of the unanimous intention of the parties to a civil law contract),

and many other activities depending on the current and future needs of our clients (more on this topic in the Process Tax Advisory section).